Perhaps the number one killer of mental and relational health in America is the refusal to go through the learning experience of emotional pain.  But I believe our next biggest mental health buzz kill is our refusal to forgive others and ourselves.  I just have to take a stab here at trying to reduce this colossal waste of serenity.

Forgiveness is a private act.  It is first of all an act of the mind and the will.  You first have to promise with all that you are that you will no longer scheme, hope, and work to get even, to make the other party hurt so bad they will repent and try to make it up to you.  If you think you can’t, start with praying for the welfare of the one who hurt you, and ask for the courage and wisdom to make that promise and keep it.  Only then can the words, actions, and finally the emotions of forgiveness come through you.

It may never include an “I forgive you” talk.  Sometimes the purpose of forgiving someone is to restore our closeness in that relationship, and other times it is to allow detachment to create more distance.  How forgiveness is expressed depends on the other person, on the relationship, its purpose, and how it will be acted out.  But some purposes are common to all occasions of forgiveness.  Let’s look for some motivations to forgive.


Christians are told that when the children of God forgive each other, it makes God happy.

I believe it, as I believe God loves us and knows that forgiveness is good for us.  It reduces the war and crime in our society, and on a personal level, it reduces our resentments, arguments, divorces, ulcers, insomnia and addictions.  Besides, being kind and polite to our enemies without needing or expecting anything in return is just the best way to keep our enemies at a safe distance.


Everyone!  We need to forgive whoever we are angry at, whoever we dread seeing at Walmart or McDonald's, and generally, anybody that can make us mad just by being happy.  We also need to forgive ourselves.  Believing that we have been forgiven by God or another person without forgiving ourselves is just like leaving a Christmas present all wrapped up under the tree -- it gives no joy to the giver or the receiver until we take it out into our everyday lives and enjoy playing with it.


We need to forgive everything they have ever done wrong, to us, to our loved ones or theirs, to themselves or others.  We also need to forgive every good thing they have failed to do, and every bad thing they will ever do in the future.  Past, present, and future, we are to love the sinner and hate the sin.

Now understand that forgiveness is not trust. Unlike forgiveness, trust has to be earned.  We need to forgive for our own sakes, long before the other person has earned our trust that they won’t hurt us again.  And if our enemy DOES mess up and try to hurt us again, we need to trust ourselves to get over it when they do.  This is a heck of a lot easier to do when we can kindly and politely forgive and wish them well without expecting anything in return.  We can trust ourselves to get over another betrayal if we know how and why to forgive, and how to set and enforce healthy boundaries for ourselves (more about those below).

And forgiveness does not mean condoning the other person's behavior.  It may or may not be a good idea to tell the other person you still think what they did was wrong, but it is always okay to say, "It is not that I am condoning or excusing what you did, I am just forgiving you."


ASAP.  Don't wait until the other person repents, reforms, asks for forgiveness, or even admits that they were wrong.  You sure don't need to wait until you feel like it, because forgiveness is a matter of faith, not feeling.  Don't wait until you understand the other person, or why they hurt you.  When it comes to forgiveness, just do it.


First, make a decision to forgive yourself as well as others, because you can’t hold onto forgiveness unless you keep giving it away.  Forgiveness can't be given until it has been received, not from your enemy, but from someone that accepts you as you are.  To accept yourself as you are, warts and all, you must first admit and accept your weaknesses, and repent of your mistakes and bad habits.  Strength is only made perfect in weakness.  Only when you know you need more grace than you deserve can you give forgiveness that isn’t earned.  Like with money, you must have some forgiveness to give it away.  Before you can put a smile on your face, you have to put one in your heart, every day.  Treat yourself as you treat others:  hate the sin (yours included), but love the sinner (yourself included).

The next step to safety is to drop the rock of resentment.  Figure out other ways of making yourself feel safe without carrying around anger to bodyguard your heart.  Believing that a resentment can be justified and smart is like wearing a gun on your hip – it keeps gentle people at a distance, attracts fighters, and generally provokes suspicion and rejection.  Commit to a life work of daily giving up your resentments, justifications, plans for revenge, and wishes for your enemy to suffer or fail.  Carrying a live resentment around is like loading up your gun and wearing bullets on your belt – you 're carrying a chip on your shoulder, wearing your hurt on your sleeve, and just asking for trouble.  

Third, choose and meditate on healthy beliefs.  You can never prove these beliefs right or wrong, but you can prove without a doubt the internal results of holding these beliefs.  You can know if they calm you down.  So taste the following beliefs, see that they have a healthy and calming effect on your relationships.  Then start meditating on them, so you will remember them on the spot, and be able to act upon them:   ~  All human beings are capable of repentance and reform.  ~  If we were born into our enemies’ bodies and situations, we don't know whether or not we might have turned out much worse.  ~  “Who are you to judge the servant of another?” asks Paul in Romans 14:4.   ~ When we are kind to them without needing or expecting anything in return, it delivers deep and painful wounds to their prideful and vengeful egos.  ~  What our enemies may need to hear they wouldn’t be able to hear from us.  ~  So we can just “Let go, and let God.”

Finally, resolve to protect yourself by showing love and respect from a healthy distance.  Set and carefully keep healthy boundaries.  A boundary is not a threat to another person, but a promise to yourself of what you will do to protect yourself if they violate your safety zone.  Protective behaviors that do not attack might include remarks such as, “Well that's your opinion,” or “I'm sorry you feel that way.”  The important thing when you are threatened or insulted is to immediately change the subject or end the conversation, before you take offense, or let yourself get upset.  Otherwise, your distress will show, and that would be showing blood to a shark.  You can’t play it cool on the outside without being cool on the inside, and you can’t do that without forgiving all around.  If you pray for them in private, you can speak to them and about them respectfully in public.  Or, instead of talking, make brief eye contact, give a quick little nod of recognition with a quick little smile, then move on to avoid them.  If you don’t shine a light of goodwill on your enemies, you remain the frightened deer, when you could so much more enjoy being the headlights on high beam.

Still don’t think you can do this?

  1. Underline in green all the ideas you agree with, and all the actions you’re willing to practice.
  2. Underline in red all the ideas you don’t agree with, the actions you’re not willing to practice.
  3. Take this to a pastor, counselor, or accountability partner.  Pray you can turn the red lights green.
  4. Change your beliefs and actions toward one person at a time, starting with one you wouldn’t have been able to forgive just doing it by yourself.  Figure out together what incentives you need.

Now and then in the life of every family, parents need to call a family meeting. Some common purposes include solving a problem, making a decision, planning family outings or activities, or understanding and getting along with a rebelling family member.

Some families hold meetings once a week, but regular meetings work better once a month or every other week to keep them special. Others are held whenever the need arises. They should last no more than an hour. Here are some guidelines I have found helpful for making family meetings run smoother and get the job done:

1. Parents facilitate the meeting, to make sure the other rules get followed and the purpose is met. They don’t hog the floor or the power, but make sure everyone gets a chance to speak briefly without being interrupted.

2. Parents call the meeting, and explain the time and agenda in advance. Because often their sense of timing is better than the parents’, a child can suggest a meeting, but it shouldn’t be called until the parents have their heads together on the agenda. The agenda should be a proposal, with a list of pros and cons for the idea, to get everyone thinking.

3. Keep things positive. Divert negative energy into time-out breaks. Encourage children to talk out resistance in advance, with one or both parents, to help the parents shape the proposal before the meeting starts. Everyone who might be defensive would have time to collect and vent their thoughts in advance. Once they’ve been heard, they will be able to listen better to others.

4. Encourage everyone to express their ideas and feelings in the family meeting, briefly, in a risk-free environment. Parents need to assure children their ideas won’t be criticized or ridiculed by anybody, especially the parents. If children don’t feel safe, they won’t express themselves, and if they haven’t had much input, they won’t be much invested in the outcome.

5. Make decisions by consensus, not majority vote. This promotes harmony, not division. Parents and older children might sum up the discussion like this: "From what I’m hearing, the plan that suits most people would be. . . ." Parents listen for consensus, and declare when it’s been reached.

6. Close the meeting on a positive note. Praise each child for the best of their contributions. Say what you’ve learned to help you understand each family member. Let others follow this lead, with all these closing comments being positive.

In my next column, I’ll talk about how useful it is for more mature families to adopt a mission statement, which can be especially helpful to start a new season or year. I’ll also give families some rules or guidelines that other families have found helpful in working to fulfill their missions.


Imagine that you have messed up big time—physically abused your child, cheated on your wife, stole money at work, or lied to your husband about where you were.  And let’s say you really want to make sure that both you and the people you’ve hurt can trust that you have learned your lessons of how and why not to do that again.  How would you go about crafting an apology that would do all that?

The purpose of most apologies today is merely to minimize pain for the apologizers, protect their image, and enable them to avoid the work they need to do but don’t want to do.  Like any other form of lying, over time, a weak apology fails at all three of these goals.

Most people don’t know how to go about restoring both the trust of others and their own trustworthiness.  That’s because there are so few role models in America for genuine remorse.  I can’t recall when I last heard a satisfactory apology from a public figure who had made a moral mess, can you?  An effective apology needs to answer three simple questions.

Why did I do it? 

Don’t blame it on the situation, or on anybody else’s behavior, because you can’t guarantee those won’t come up again.  Besides, that doesn’t take responsibility for the choices you made about how to handle your feelings.

Sure, maybe you put yourself in a bad situation, and you can change that.  But what else do you need to change?  attitudes you have harbored that provoked your choice?  beliefs you have used to rationalize or excuse your behavior?  images you’ve had of yourself and the other people involved here?  These ideas in your head can’t be proven right or wrong, but you and others can prove the kind of words and actions these beliefs will provoke and excuse.

Who did I hurt and how? 

Put yourself in their place.  Imagine a situation where they could theoretically do something like this to you.  Imagine how you’d feel, if there were no real remorse in the other person, how hard it would be to carry on like nothing had happened.  What would this do to your mind, your heart, your ability to go on like before, doing things for that person, facing your friends and family, trying to go to sleep at night, or fighting off your own bad, stress-related habits, like eating or drinking to your frustration?

If you have hurt someone in your personal life, you can apply what you have learned to your situation, and to your loved one.  “I understand that I have made you have to carry around feelings of ______ and _______, that I have embarrassed you in the eyes of ____, and that now you’re going to have to really struggle with your ­­­­­________ and _______.  This is what I have done to you.  What else have I messed up in your life?  I know that I have hurt _____ and _____, but who else do you think I have hurt, and how?”

What am I going to do about it?

How will you clean up your side of the street?  What will you do to help heal the hurt, and earn back the trust you have broken?  Again, put yourself in their place—what would you need them to do in this situation to resolve your hurt and mistrust?

Do you need to go have a talk with others you have hurt, to see how your actions have affected them, and tell them you were wrong and you are sorry?  How can you show them that you are going to teach yourself a lesson, by making sure you suffer more than all the pleasure you have derived from your bad habit over the years, even if it is possible, more than they will have to suffer for your actions?

Do you need to get an education, like anger management training, or understanding another culture, gender, or generation?  Do you need to talk with someone to learn new role models for your behavior in certain situations?

Do you need counseling to work through old feelings that you’ve never expressed toward people in your childhood, feelings that piggyback on your natural emotions to provoke and rationalize your bad habits?  Do you need residential treatment to break an addiction, to let your family have a break from you to heal, and to get you away from temptations you can’t resist?

Changing your beliefs requires admitting that you can and should change them, because they caused harmful behavior.  You first confess this to people you’ve hurt, but real change inside requires you to tell others who share these attitudes and beliefs, especially the friends and family who may have taught them to you in the first place, by their words and lifestyles.  And your lifestyle will also have to change, to express and firm up your new attitudes and beliefs.

Why don’t we ever hear apologies that answer these three questions in America?  Very few of us really believe in and practice personal growth.  Spin doctors say the public would see repentance as weak, weird and wacko, but I think those words better describe the conscience of any nation which values image over substance, and anesthesia over the truth that hurts while it is setting us free, free of the illusions that we are better than others, and don’t need them.

I pray that America may soon see a genuine, effective apology from one of its celebrities.  I pray that you and I will amend our wrongs by helping others get over our messes, by cleaning them up.  That way we can bring some major good things out of the next bad situation we create.

Dr. Schmidt is a psychologist life coach with offices in Middletown, Lexington, and Shelbyville. 



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Psychologist  in Louisville , KY

(502) 633-2860
[email protected]
Dr. Paul F. Schmidt