1. CREATE TWO FREE ONLINE TESTS ~ The Better Life Test (BLT) now provides an assessment of personal well-being in 20-25 minutes. This test uses 126 Likert-scale items to measure nine pairs of healthy and sickening traits, wth 18 percentile scores comparing one's answers to a general population of adults. The Character Assessment Scale (CAS) measures eight of the nine pairs of traits scored by the BLT, and it requires 25-30 minutes to take. This test is normed on Christians, and uses Biblical language in the test items and in the feedback. The CAS consists of 225 true-false questions, and unlike the BLT, it measures the tendency to present and see oneself in an overly positive moral light (Denial). Both tests are designed to facilitate either personal growth or healing. Both tests are free, online, anonymous, user-friendly, evidence-based, and provide immediate feedback to whatever email address is given by the test-taker for this purpose.
2. RESEARCH WHAT WORKS ~ We are using the rich demographic data that comes in with these tests to find out what makes us sick, and how to get well. Each test asks some 15-20 pieces of non-identifying personal information about their beliefs and habits. The BLT uses this information to discover and show which mindsets and lifestyles bring health to a person, and which ones drain it out. The CAS uses similar information to discover and show which mindsets and lifestyles are more likely to be found in the good life of walking in the spirit, and bearing spiritual fruits. Analyzing this data will teach us a great deal about "what makes us sick, and how to get well," both in relation to standards of health and biblical truth.
3. EQUIP HEALTHY COMMUNITIES ~ Businesses, schools, churches, physicians, counselors, rehab clinics can choose to participate as groups. They will get all their local average scores on these tests for free, so they can track progress from their efforts to inspire a healthier/more moral workforce, student body, congregation, etc. Returning this information does not jeopardize privacy of the test: group administrators will never be given any individual data about those who took the tests.
4. LAUNCH A POPULAR WEBSITE ~ to-the-well.org launched in the spring of 2024, and is becoming a lively, engaging experience for those who want to live a better life. It will soon provide links to resources our board considers compatible with our model, including other websites, tests, surveys, research, podcasts, blogs, schools, businesses, counselors, coaches, therapists, pastoral counselors, novels, self-help books, movies, documentaries, TV shows, etc.
5. SPREAD THE WELLNESS VIRUS ~ Educational, professional, and commercial users just mentioned can create their own expanded versions of the both tests. In open research, WELL scores the test items in return for the receiving the data we can use for our research. Our webmaster will seek media coverage for our interesting research findings.
The motto for this mission: “A new look at a 3000-year-old wellness model”
The BLT measures personal well-being: not the wellness of your body, bank account, or your family, but the health of the person who takes care of all these things, YOU. We define healthy as whatever does the most good and the least harm for the most people in the long run.
The CAS measures moral character: it describes what the Bible and Christian traditions have consistently taught about what helps people walk more in the spirit, bear more fruits of the spirit, and show fewer fruits of the flesh. We define moral character as whatever enhances self-worth and quality of life, in oneself and other people, both now and in the long run.
One can see that our view of personal well-being and moral character are very similar. Both were derived from the same age-old blended model, spoken/confirmed in several languages/wisdom streams, including science, history, nature, philosophy, recovery wisdom, and teachings from all three major western religions.
Our wellness test (the BLT) measures healthy and unhealthy ways to handle nine common experiences: • Truth • Peace • Respect • Love • Mercy • Sexuality • Money • Purpose and physical • Health. Our test of moral character (the CAS) measures moral and immoral ways to handle eight of these nine common experiences, leaving out the issue of Peace (Fear vs. Trust or Faith).
3 downloadable Learning Tools for each each test are included:
• biblical insights (25+ annotated passages),
• life lessons from psychology, and
• practical parenting tips.
Our board will be assembled in 2024. We have chosen not to ask any prospective new board members to join the original 2020 founding board until both tests are loaded onto a smooth and secure software platform. In the second half of 2024, we are switching our data b ase from Qualtrics CoreXM onto PSPP, with delightfully easy ways to get data into and out of our well-secured data grid. This will allow prospective board members to experience first-hand the benefits of taking the test and using its educational resources: solving problems, personal growth and healing, and inspiring healthier mindsets, lifestyles, and relationships. We seek to serve our board members before asking them to join us in serving others.
For Christians and Jews: The Bible teaches that God’s guidance is given for everyone, for our well-being. The model and its eight or nine pairs of traits were taught by Solomon, Jesus, and by Paul. They will prefer to uyse the CAS for most of their purposes.
For all others: This model and all these traits are found 3000 years ago, in the wisdom literature of Persia and Egypt, and then later in Islam and 12-step recovery. The BLT will use the universal language of what works to make healthy people and relationships. It will be a comfortable instrument especially for those who have no religion, or who have been hurt by unhealthy Christians.
Our services and resources will be offered free to both individuals and groups, such as marriages, families, teams, schools, businesses, and churches. Under our Creative Commons Copyright, anyone can give these tests to their own group for free, and even use their own questions alongside ours. Their respondents' answers to our tests will be scored for free with instant results emailed back. In return, we get to process their answers to our questions and theirs in our data base. And using the open research model, anyone can use our data for their research, just as we are using theirs. The BLT and the CAS are licensed by Creative Commons Copyright BY-NC-SA 4.0.