01(Required) I am an honest person.
02(Required) When I am afraid, I most always run, fight, distract myself, or depend on another person.
03(Required) I would like to reach a point in life where I didn’t need other people.
04(Required) I am usually a comforting companion for my friends when they are feeling miserable.
05(Required) I have some resentments which have bothered me for months and months.
06(Required) I’m proud and happy about how I make love sexually with my beloved (or how I would if I had one).
07(Required) Worrying about hard times to come doesn’t keep me from giving to those less fortunate.
08(Required) When my performance matters most, the fear of failure keeps me from doing my best.
09(Required) I exercise, and avoid putting unhealthy food and drugs into my body.
10(Required) Sometimes I might take a little comfort from seeing bad people get the punishment they deserve.
11(Required) At times I’ve realized that my body was in danger, but my heart and mind were at peace.
12(Required) Guilt can be a constructive feeling for me, so sometimes I react fairly well to criticism.
13(Required) I don’t much like people who seem more popular, attractive, intelligent, or wealthy than I am.
14(Required) If someone I love needs some criticism, I will usually find a gentle way to give it
15(Required) Sometimes I like to hear or look at things that most people would consider sexually obscene.
16(Required) One of my strongest wishes in life is to become totally self-reliant financially.
17(Required) Most people who know me think I am a cheerful and optimistic person.
18(Required) When there are delicious foods around, I find it hard to eat carefully or moderately.
19(Required) By keeping my promises, I have learned to avoid taking on too many commitments.
20(Required) In the face of danger, I typically freeze up from being tense, distractible, and confused.
21(Required) I feel I am a special person, and I like to be treated special.
22(Required) When a loved one is in trouble, they usually get my practical help and emotional support.
23(Required) I prefer rather violent news, music, movies, video games, and entertainment.
24(Required) My body image is good enough that I enjoy (or would enjoy) sharing it in physical affection.
25(Required) Rather than borrow on credit, I am learning to wait and save money for things I really want.
26(Required) Sometimes I can’t make myself do things I know are important.
27(Required) My body is in good enough shape so it can usually do what I want or need it to do.
28(Required) I am not always immediately able to face painful truths about myself.
29(Required) Even in the most scary situations, I can usually find courage and act on it.
30(Required) No matter their circumstances, I believe everybody has the potential to live a better life.
31(Required) When someone is enjoying something I can’t have, I might take away some of that joy if I can.
32(Required) When I feel damned if I do and damned if I don’t, I can usually figure out a third way to go.
33(Required) Really good sex and real genuine love are hard to imagine in the same relationship.
34(Required) The appearance of my clothes, car, and home means a lot to me.
35(Required) I like a challenge and working hard, so I usually finish what I start.
36(Required) I often choose drugs, alcohol, TV, or my phone over my loved ones who need me.
37(Required) A loving Creator has given people the desire and the ability to discover what’s true.
38(Required) I spend a lot of time worrying.
39(Required) I am frustrated that people don’t give me the appreciation I deserve.
40(Required) I am comfortable spending time getting to know people less fortunate than I am.
41(Required) Instead of showing anger or sadness when my feelings or finances are hurt, I prefer getting even.
42(Required) I save myself sexually for the one I love (or would love), expecting him or her to do the same.
43(Required) My life shows I realize that the best things in my life are things money cannot buy.
44(Required) I get annoyed when life seems boring.
45(Required) I am free of any health problems that are made worse by my lifestyle or medications.
46(Required) On occasion I eat more than I should.
47(Required) I can recall the details of my most frightened memories without feeling much distress now.
48(Required) Every human being should have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
49(Required) I spend too much time comparing myself to other people.
50(Required) When somebody’s angry with me, I face the issue, and try to make my peace with them.
51(Required) I flirt more than I let my loved ones know, and I like people to want me.
52(Required) I struggle not to get too upset when someone breaks or ruins something I own.
53(Required) I can usually keep my heart and mind fully engaged in what I’m doing.
54(Required) I have a substance, activity, or person that make it hard for me to control myself.
55(Required) When I have broken a promise, I admit it, and try to make it up to people I have hurt.
56(Required) Even when I’m safe, I’m uncomfortable being quietly alone with my thoughts and feelings.
57(Required) I really enjoy it when I get people to do what I think they should do.
58(Required) I sometimes do things to bless people anonymously, so they won’t know I’ve done it.
59(Required) I am a fairly critical person, and I don’t mind pointing out the faults of others.
60(Required) Keeping sex active, loving, honest, and loyally faithful is how I live (or would live).
61(Required) I am proud of myself and honest with others about exactly how I make and spend money.
62(Required) I’ve learned to procrastinate some responsibilities by making excuses.
63(Required) For a person my age, I am satisfied with my physical fitness.
64(Required) There are certain situations when I would feel at least a little awkward.
65(Required) I look forward to the future with confidence.
66(Required) My life feels to me like a precious gift, better than I deserve or could have planned.
67(Required) I sometimes get tickled when I see someone badly embarrassed by someone else.
68(Required) I know how to be quiet in a conflict until I can figure out something constructive to say.
69(Required) Complete honesty and loyalty in love would work against pleasure and romance for me.
70(Required) I take better care of my possessions than I do my relationships.
71(Required) I usually have a purpose and a passion for most things I do in life.
72(Required) When it’s something I really like to do, I don’t usually stop when I should.
73(Required) Since covering up a mistake generally does more damage than the mistake itself, I confess.
74(Required) My body suffers from chronic stress.
75(Required) Even when others think I shouldn’t, I like to live my life my way.
76(Required) I enjoy giving my time and money to people in need.
77(Required) It’s really hard for me to forgive people who have hurt me or taken advantage of me.
78(Required) I am fully open and present emotionally when I have sex (or I would be if I was sexually active).
79(Required) My loved ones generally think I manage money well.
80(Required) I tend to avoid the hard work of painful communication in my relationships.
81(Required) My lifestyle respects what most doctors advise to keep myself and others healthy.
82(Required) Sometimes I might get a little anxious thinking about something related to sex.
83(Required) When I need to, I lower my stress levels on the spot, by adjusting my beliefs about the situation.
84(Required) I realize I have no right to judge other people, since I can’t know what they’ve experienced.
85(Required) I am often envious or jealous of people who experience or possess what I cannot.
86(Required) In a conflict, instead of complaining, I fight for solutions where everybody wins.
87(Required) Having sex without commitment or emotional involvement is appealing to me.
88(Required) The more I have, the more I want, so sometimes I use people to get what I want.
89(Required) I keep a pretty good balance of work, rest, and recreation in my life – I enjoy them all.
90(Required) I have my ways to numb out and escape, and I cover up how much I use them.
91(Required) I feel confident when I know what I’m talking about, even when people around me don’t think so.
92(Required) I worry about my reputation, and the reactions I get from people online and in my life.
93(Required) My value and truth come from within – I don’t have much need here for other people.
94(Required) When my careless words hurt someone deeply, my apology is quick and sincere.
95(Required) When I am rejected or disrespected sexually, it puts me in a bad mood.
96(Required) When my loved ones are hurting, I give them the physical comfort and support they need.
97(Required) I have a passion for working hard and saving money to take care of those I love.
98(Required) I waste time and energy pleasuring myself with pain-killing escapes.
99(Required) I create good times down the road by taking care of my money and my body.
100(Required) When threatened with danger, I seek help, pray, or both.
101(Required) Even when I see the world sinking fast, we’re all in this boat together, with a loving God.
102(Required) I am growing to become a more honest and faithful person.
103(Required) I really struggle with anger when somebody else gets what I want and deserve.
104(Required) I make my peace in arguments with those I love, and I am affectionate with them afterwards.
105(Required) I enjoy looking around at attractive people, and sometimes it turns me on.
106(Required) I like dreaming about being rich, and I think about easy ways to get there.
107(Required) I am devoted to my health and fitness, which gives me more passion and focus for life.
108(Required) I love having money, because it buys me many pleasures I couldn’t get without it.
2. Fear Fe Preoccupation and paralysis from worry and anxiety about the future
3. Selfish Pride SP Expressing and protecting the belief that one is somehow better than others
1. Denial De Neglecting or refusing to acknowledge one's shortcomings and faults on this evaluation
4. Envy Ev delighting in others’ misfortunes, and reacting to their happiness with self-pity or jealousy
5. Resentment Rt Refusing to forgive others; harboring grudges and wishing or working for revenge
6. Lust Lu Using sex for personal gratification, thus avoiding, neglecting and betraying loved ones
7. Greed Gr Seeking and protecting money and material things to the neglect of family and friends
8. Laziness La Neglecting and disregarding important activities and responsibilities to take it easy
9. Gluttony Gl Overindulging in food, alcohol, drugs and other pain-killing substances and experiences
10. Honesty Ho Telling the truth and living out the same values and priorities in all settings
11. Faith Fa Trusting in a benevolent source of strength and security, even in a crisis
12. Humility Hu Living as if all people have unique and common value and potential for good and harm
13. Compassion Co Helping and empathizing with other people, especially when they are in trouble
14. Peacemaking Pe Harnessing anger to fight for peace, to settle arguments and misunderstandings
15. Sexual Integrity SI Using sex to seal and celebrate intimacy in a fully committed relationship
16. Stewardship St Saving money, keeping it simple, and being generous with others
17. Enthusiasm Et Inspired dedication to work long and hard without getting burned out
18. Physical Fitness PF Keeping the body fit with a healthy diet, exercise, and lifestyle
Demographic Information
Group Email The next 3 questions address things mostly determined for you at birth. We want to learn how these issues might affect the healthiness of people’s lives.
Biological Birth Gender(Required) Hidden
Genetic Health at Birth(Required) Hidden
Racial Identity(Required) The last 13 questions address things somewhat related to your lifestyle choices. We’re studying how these issues might serve as causes or effects of well-being
Relational Status(Required) Type of Occupation(Required) Education Level(Required) Financial Status (your income, property, and assets compared to locals)(Required) Physical Health(Required) Relational Health(Required) Geographic Area(Required) You may add if you identify as: 8 = Urban 9 = Rural 10 = Suburban Gender Identity/Role/Expression(Required) Gender Orientation(Required) Political Views(Required) Spiritual Health(Required) Religion(Required) Hidden
FE 100 Calc.
Unique Fear total for question 100
DE 01 Calc.
Unique Denial total for question 1
DE 02 Calc.
Unique Denial total for question 2
DE 03 Calc.
Unique Denial total for question 3
DE 04 Calc.
Unique Denial total for question 4
DE 05 Calc.
Unique Denial total for question 5
DE 100 Calc.
Unique Denial total for question 100
Denial Z-Score
This is the Denial Total minus the Mean (1.81), divided by the Standard Dev. (.28)
Denial Percentile Z > 0
Denial Percentile Z-score > 0
Denial Percentile Z < 0
Denial Percentile Z-score > 0
Fear Z-Score
This is the Fear Total minus the Mean, divided by the Standard Dev.
Fear Percentile Z < 0
Fear Percentile Z-score < 0
Pride Z-Score
This is the Pride Total minus the Mean, divided by the Standard Dev.
Pride Percentile Z > 0
Pride Percentile Z-score > 0
Pride Percentile Z < 0
Pride Percentile Z-score < 0
Envy Z-Score
This is the Envy Total minus the Mean, divided by the Standard Dev.
Envy Percentile Z > 0
Envy Percentile Z-score > 0
Envy Percentile Z < 0
Envy Percentile Z-score < 0
Resentment Z-Score
This is the Resentment Total minus the Mean, divided by the Standard Dev.
Resentment Percentile Z > 0
Resentment Percentile Z-score > 0
Resentment Percentile Z < 0
Resentment Percentile Z-score < 0
Lust Z-Score
This is the Lust Total minus the Mean, divided by the Standard Dev.
Lust Percentile Z > 0
Lust Percentile Z-score > 0
Lust Percentile Z < 0
Lust Percentile Z-score < 0
Greed Z-Score
This is the Greed Total minus the Mean, divided by the Standard Dev.
Greed Percentile Z > 0
Greed Percentile Z-score > 0
Greed Percentile Z < 0
Greed Percentile Z-score < 0
Laziness Z-Score
This is the Laziness Total minus the Mean, divided by the Standard Dev.
Laziness Percentile Z > 0
Laziness Percentile Z-score > 0
Laziness Percentile Z < 0
Laziness Percentile Z-score < 0
Gluttony Z-Score
This is the Gluttony Total minus the Mean, divided by the Standard Dev.
Gluttony Percentile Z > 0
Gluttony Percentile Z-score > 0
Gluttony Percentile Z < 0
Gluttony Percentile Z-score < 0
Honesty Z-Score
This is the Honesty Total minus the Mean, divided by the Standard Dev.
Honesty Percentile Z > 0
Honesty Percentile Z-score > 0
Honesty Percentile Z < 0
Honesty Percentile Z-score < 0
Faith Z-Score
This is the Faith Total minus the Mean, divided by the Standard Dev.
Faith Percentile Z > 0
Faith Percentile Z-score > 0
Faith Percentile Z < 0
Faith Percentile Z-score < 0
Humility Z-Score
This is the Humility Total minus the Mean, divided by the Standard Dev.
Humility Percentile Z > 0
Humility Percentile Z-score > 0
Humility Percentile Z < 0
Humility Percentile Z-score < 0
Compassion Z-Score
This is the Compassion Total minus the Mean, divided by the Standard Dev.
Compassion Percentile Z > 0
Compassion Percentile Z-score > 0
Compassion Percentile Z < 0
Compassion Percentile Z-score < 0
Peacemaking Z-Score
This is the Peacemaking Total minus the Mean, divided by the Standard Dev.
Peacemaking Percentile Z > 0
Peacemaking Percentile Z-score > 0
Peacemaking Percentile Z < 0
Peacemaking Percentile Z-score < 0
Sexual Integrity Z-Score
This is the Sexual Integrity Total minus the Mean, divided by the Standard Dev.
Sexual Integrity Percentile Z > 0
Sexual Integrity Percentile Z-score > 0
Sexual Integrity Percentile Z < 0
Sexual Integrity Percentile Z-score < 0
Stewardship Z-Score
This is the Stewardship Total minus the Mean, divided by the Standard Dev.
Stewardship Percentile Z > 0
Stewardship Percentile Z-score > 0
Stewardship Percentile Z < 0
Stewardship Percentile Z-score < 0
Enthusiasm Z-Score
This is the Enthusiasm Total minus the Mean, divided by the Standard Dev.
Enthusiasm Percentile Z > 0
Enthusiasm Percentile Z-score > 0
Enthusiasm Percentile Z < 0
Enthusiasm Percentile Z-score < 0
Physical Fitness Z-Score
This is the Physical Fitness Total minus the Mean, divided by the Standard Dev.
Physical Fitness Percentile Z > 0
Physical Fitness Percentile Z-score > 0
Physical Fitness Percentile Z < 0
Physical Fitness Percentile Z-score < 0