The “word of God” can also be found in Christian writings for the perpetrators and victims of sexual sin. Though not specifically Christian, Pat Carnes bases his hope on the Biblically inspired 12-step program. Doug Weiss, Mark Laaser and Harry Schaumburg are Biblically oriented Christian psychologists who are themselves recovering from sex addiction. They show how sexual infidelity and pornography are twisted perversions of our spiritual hunger for God. Help Online: - Great source of information, research, and on-line tests to learn about yourself and find qualified counselors to help - Dr. Mark Laaser's website - Dr. Doug Weiss’ resources - Great website - Domain for Sexaholics Anonymous, the more biblical of the 12-step programs - Domain for Sex Addicts Anonymous, the more liberal of the 12-step programs
Laaser, Mark (1996) Faithful and True. Nashville : Lifeway, an excellent workbook, plus original book by Zondervan,
Schaumburg , Harry (1992) False Intimacy. Colorado Springs : NavPress.
Dr. Paul Schmidt is a psychologist life coach you can reach at [email protected], (502) 633-2860.