Why I Use Social Media

I use social media such as Twitter,  Facebook,  Instagram, and Linked-in  to give away what I have learned.

I make this easy to use for four purposes:

  • to offer preventive public education about addictions, emotions, and relationships,
  • to inform clients and the public about which professional resources I rely on,
  • to speak the love language of younger generations (technology), and
  • to direct people to “Brain Food for the Good Life” — my  podcast  for fast food, and my  blog  for more of a relaxing meal in a quiet restaurant.

I do NOT use social media for:

  • interacting with clients (this is done only through the more private means of e-mail and phone via voicemail or texting. I will not respond to client communications that come through social media.)
  • giving clients ways to endorse or draw attention to me or my services. (Anyone that chooses to follow or friend, like, link with, or in any other way to publicly connect with me does so at their own risk of losing the privacy of this connection. I have not, do not, and will not encourage my clients to connect with me in any of these ways. Therefore, those people who do so can by no means be assumed to be my current or past clients.)
  • endorsing clients’ businesses. (If a client whose business I endorse should later on start working with me professionally, I will honor the privacy of this fact. To withdraw the endorsement might draw attention to the situation, so I would avoid it, with the client’s understanding that I would treat this endorsement like any other, and not give it any special treatment.)

Email:  If I have not responded to an email from a client, my junk mail filter must have screened it away from my inbox, so to be sure to get a response, and for the quickest response, voicemails and texts work better.


Contact Me
Psychologist  in Louisville , KY

(502) 633-2860
[email protected]
Dr. Paul F. Schmidt