
Core Values for WELL Inc.

Universal Generosity  ~  As Jesus gave to the woman at the well, from our inspired

                                              wellsprings inside and in community, we are giving away grace

                                              and truth to all who want it.

The Common Good  ~     In our communications, actions, and work products, we inspire

                                              individual and societal wellbeing, bydoing the most good and

                                              the least harm to all people in the long run.

Scientific Integrity  ~      We validate truth and demonstrate its practical applications by

                                                    careful experimental design and literature review that avoid

                                                    filter bias in what we learn and what we teach.

      Cross-validation  ~        We seek and validate truth through multiple wisdom streams,

                                                    such as scripture and prayer, historical inquiry, scientific

                                                    research, objective journalism, life stories, and common sense.

      Diversity for Synergy  ~  We teach and help a full spectrum of people and society by

                                                     letting them teach and help us.

Dr. Paul Schmidt is a psychologist life coach you can reach at [email protected], (502) 633-2860.


Contact Me
Dr. Paul F. Schmidt